Message from Fr. Rolando Cabrera

Dear Immaculate Family,

The Gospel story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish shows us not only Jesus’ compassion and power to meet the need of others but also our responsibility in extending that compassion. Looking at a crowd of 5,000 hungry people, Jesus asks Philip, “Where will we go to buy bread for them to eat?” With this question Jesus makes it clear that the problem of those who are hungry is our problem too. A Christian cannot say that the need of others is their problem alone. The miracles worked by Jesus and Elisha both needed someone to come along and offer what they had. Miracles happen when we are able to share.The Gospel story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish shows us not only Jesus’ compassion and power to meet the need of others but also our responsibility in extending that compassion. Looking at a crowd of 5,000 hungry people, Jesus asks Philip, “Where will we go to buy bread for them to eat?” With this question Jesus makes it clear that the problem of those who are hungry is our problem too. A Christian cannot say that the need of others is their problem alone. The miracles worked by Jesus and Elisha both needed someone to come along and offer what they had. Miracles happen when we are able to share.

Jesus is telling us that we are part of the miracle and God expects our cooperation in extending his love and compassion to others. Like the man from Baal-Shalishah in the first reading and the little kid in the Gospel, we are invited to share our little gifts, trusting that they can and will be used by God for good. Even though what we can contribute is hopelessly insignificant compared with the size and complexity of the need, we must contribute anyway. Nothing is insignificant in the hands of God.

The connection of the multiplication with the Eucharist is crystal clear. When Jesus “took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed them…” he anticipated the Eucharist in which bread is transformed into his multiplied presence and we are called to be transformed into a loving and caring community sent forth to share what we have received. The miracle still goes on and we are part of it.

God bless you all!

Fr. Rolando