Humble Beginnings
Immaculate Conception parish was founded on March 24, 1954. Our Founding Pastore was Father James F. Nelan. Father Irving Nugent was the first assistant. At the time, the population of Hialeah was about 30,000. Today it is over 300,000. In 1954 the Diocese of St Augustine embraced all of Florida and was under the direction of Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley. Concrete was poured for the foundation of the temporary Church building on Monday, March 8, 1954. On April 4, 1954, 300 men of our parish embarked on a one day fund raising drive to visit all parishioners. On April 5, they had $124,000 pledged with less than 600 visits. On April 11, 1954, Father James Nelan celebrated the first Mass at Immaculate in the temporary Church. The building (now Parish Hall) cost $12,000 to erect.
Growing Through Change
The first five Sisters of Mercy from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, arrived at Immaculate on February 1, 1955: St. Mary Enda, Mother Superior, Sr. Mary Francesca, Sr. Mary Perpetua, Sr. Mary Regina and Sr. Mary Eugenius. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church is now celebrating 65 years! Our community and history is strong and we continue to strive for another 65 years. The hialeah community has embraced our church and school year after year and we now have parishioners from all over. Our Immaculate Family is one that we are forever grateful for. We are truly a special parish and our Legacy is one of strength in Faith and love for one another. Our doors have always been open to all families and the minute you walk into our church or school, it is apparent that you are in a very special place.
This is Home

When our Parishioners and families talk about Immaculate Conception there is always one common thought. Immaculate Conception is Home. This is your home away from home. A place where you can find your strength in God, your peace from those busy days and your family that will be present and will help streer you and protect you towards the light that we all search for. This is Home.